Hello! My name is Leela and I'm a first year digital media production student at Anglia Ruskin University! This website serves as a homepage where I'll collect up links to my blog, portfolio and any other projects I work on during my time studying here. I'll also be posting graphics and artwork. On the right there is a link to my wordpress blog where most of the magic happens, maybe I'll add some more fun features to this page in the future- who knows! A few facts about me: I enjoy martial arts, I'm a yellow belt in shorin ryu karate and I'm about to beigin studying judo. I'm a fan of many different musical artists from lemon demon, tally tall, nelward and they might be giants to so many more I couldn't list them all! click the play button down below to play one of my favourite lemon demon songs!

Lemon demon - geeks in love
Have some blinkies for the road because I don't know what to write here yet. PS- scroll down for the chatbox! Hope you enjoy:)
